About Us

Nice To Meet You

Hey there! My name is Destiny. Welcome to my blog! 

This blog is dedicated to sharing my journey toward a happier, more peaceful life. This includes practicing hobbies that I enjoy, organizing and planning, and finding the joy in small things.

One of the largest pieces holding me back from finding peace is struggling to live in the moment and overcome anxiety. I am using this space to share and explore ways to find my focus and my happiest self.  

Upcoming Projects

I am working to develop my blogging style. I have plans to talk more in depth about certain crafts, gift recommendations, and maybe even travel.

I want to write posts that help those struggling with indecision make a quick choice. I have often asked myself, what should I bake? What should I read? What do I want to do?

This blog will be used as a way to stay accountable and record my adventures in living a life I love. I am working to love happier and more balanced, and putting it out there for people to see feels very encouraging.