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4 ways you can be nicer to yourself
Sometimes the phrase “I am my own worst enemy” rings a little more true than we would like. You might find that you are less confident in your decisions, or that you feel anxious when preforming...
What to Knit When you Don't Know What to Make
All crafters have felt the desire to start a new project, but lack inspiration on what to make. Sometimes after a big project, you just want something simple and easy. Maybe you need something a little...
Slow Living: 6 mindful practices you can start right now
Slow living is definitely seeing an uptick in interest right now. If you aren’t sure what it is or why people are talking about it, read on. What is “slow living”? Slow living can...
How to Meal Plan for the Whole Week
Why is choosing what to have for dinner so difficult? This is one of the hidden scourges of adulthood – making a meal plan. Deciding what to eat every night is more exhausting than it has any right...